Australian Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

We’ve signed up – with no hesitation.

“Architects Declare” was first launched in the United Kingdom. Australia is the third country to join, and the first to consider Indigenous peoples.

The Architects Declare movement requires all signatories to raise “awareness of the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the urgent need for action amongst clients and supply chains. They also advocate for faster change in the industry towards regenerative design practices and a higher Governmental funding priority to support this.”

Signing up to the Australian Architects Declare was an easy decision for the team at Cathi Colla Architects. We’ve been designing with community and optimum sustainable outcomes for a while now.  Getting behind a larger, broader and stronger groundswell seems a logical enhancement to our beliefs – and it makes us feel good!

Signing up to Architects Declare simply reinforces our belief. Its is a formality and an opportunity for us to advocate for better design for all with stronger conviction.

Lets keep designing better, smarter and more efficiently. Lets strengthen our conviction to achieve better design outcomes for our clients, large and small, and for the communities within which we design. And lets bring along our consultants, our planning departments, and other peoples affected by design.

Lets to the right thing by our community, for our community and for the future.

The Australian Architects Declare Website was launched on 25 July 2019, and can be found here.

About Architects Declare, extract from Architects Declare Australia Media Release, 25/7/19

Architects Declare was first launched in the UK on 30 May 2019. It is organised by a group of UK architects and has no political or institutional affiliations. Architects Declare Australia is organised by a volunteer group of 7 architects and built-environment professionals. In late May, the group contacted the UK organisers to seek permission to replicate Architects Declare in Australia. The UK organisers were immediately supportive and created the Australian version of the website to use. Australian Architects Declare launched on Thursday 25 July 2019, making Australia amongst the first countries to take up this initiative, with Norway Architects Declarealso recently launched.

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